Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Getting Rid Of Bags Under Eyes Naturally - My Best Techniques Unveiled

As people get older they might start to notice wrinkles appearing on their face along with dark circles and large puffy eye bags underneath their eyes that are filled with fluid. These indications of aging can make people look older than they want to, particularly the puffy bags underneath the eyes. There are ways to eliminate puffy eye bags however before proceeding with any treatments or therapies it is an excellent idea to understand more about the causes of eye bags. The causative factors for eye bags formation may be divided into two categories depending on a persons ability to control them.

One group of eye bag causes are beyond a persons control. These are things like the natural changes that occur in the skin layers as it gets older and a persons genetics and heredity. The quantity of the skin protein collagen that the body makes diminishes as with advancing age. Collagen is the natural body protein that helps to hold the skin layers supple, flexible and young looking. Getting older also causes the skin layers to become thinner in texture because it stretches and the connective tissue web that support it becomes weaker. These issues can all contribute to causing bags under the eyes.

The genes that are inherited from people's mother and father are yet another factor which plays a big role in the formation of eye bags. If parents had this skin condition then it is probable that their offspring will too. Does that mean that a person will be unable to get rid of puffy eye bags? Not at all. There are many factors which cause puffy eye bags that are within a persons control to change and you have holistic treatment options that could be employed to minimize and remove eye bags. A healthy lifestyle devoid of too many bad habits can help people remove eye bags.

Cigarette smoking ages the skin layers prematurely and is the reason for many of the symptoms of aging on the face for example wrinkles and bags underneath the eyes. People who want to get rid of puffy eye bags need to stop smoking. Intake of excessive amount salt is another factor which will cause puffy eye bags but can easily be modified. Sodium will cause fluids to be retained under the delicate skin near the eyes and this can cause bags underneath the eyes. This sensitive skin also requires protection from environmental aspects so a good high spf factor sunscreen lotion should be worn as well as protective sunglasses.

A wholesome diet that is made up of lots of fresh green vegetables, whole grain products and oily, cold water fish can supply the body with antioxidants and Omega-3 fatty acids that help keep the skin layers healthy and youthful. Routine exercise stimulates the cardiovascular system and that increases blood flow to help your body eliminate toxic impurities and drain excess fluids and fats from bags under the eyes. Cool objects placed over the eyes can effectively eliminate puffy eye bags on a temporary basis. Green tea bags are particularly effective because they contain an ingredient with anti-inflammatory properties that helps to reduce swelling.

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