Sunday, May 13, 2012

How to Live Healthy This Year

There are a lot of things in life that we have no control over. But the key to healthy living is focusing on what your thoughts and reactions the things you can control. Remember the Serenity Prayer? Even nonreligious folks can reap the benefits from following these words: "God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change; the courage to change the things I can; and wisdom to know the difference." Withrow said this is a good rule of thumb for stress management. It can be empowering to focus on what you can control and then let go of the things that you can't.

Read this post until the end. You'll be glad you did. You'll find them to be helpful whether you're interested in knowing more about general health or more specific topics like thyroid essentials review. Who knows? The free tips listed here may be just what you need to revolutionize your health routine.

One thing that often gets missed out in the hustle-bustle of city life is good old water! Carry a bottle with you and try and get at least 2 litres a day or 8 glasses of water a day. Fresh lime-water or herbal teas are also good substitutes, but avoid sugary aerated drinks.

Echinacea and Goldenseal are powerful immune boosters, but are not for prolonged use. You can begin taking them at the first sign of illness. They can also be used to prevent illness, but should not be taken for more than a few months or your body will build up a resistance to them.

A balanced diet is the initial stage towards a beautiful, fantastic body. Follow a viable balanced diet that complements your lifestyle. A right diet that is high in fiber, low on fat, and should be supplemented with a lot of vitamins and minerals. You could try to talk to a nutritionist and have her make you a meal plan that will fit you.

Groundbreaking research shows that for every hour a day you spend sitting, your risk of death increases by 11%. Even small movements throughout the day, such as fidgeting, can add up to major health benefits. Dr. Oz recommends getting 10,000 steps a day. To do this, invest in a pedometer so you can keep track of each step you make toward optimal health.

Three things that can help make your life more balanced: 1) Get your environment under control so it optimally supports your wellness; 2) Eat meals at regular times as your body thrives with this routine; 3) Remember to breathe, and spend time daily focusing on deep, relaxing breaths whenever you can

Being well hydrated is an important component to good health. Research indicates that dehydration can be the cause of many seemingly unrelated health problems from high cholesterol to back pain!! Try to drink 8 glasses per day but if this is too much for you, drink as much as you can.

Foods that came into any types of process are bad for your health. This includes ham, hotdogs, bacons, potato chips, hamburgers and canned goods. These processed food products can cause cancer, heart diseases and many other sickness known to man. So if you want to have a healthy year, avoid processed foods.

People who do vigorous physical activity such as running, jogging, playing basketball or soccer for three or more hours a week reduce their risk of a heart attack by 22%, the study found. Among the reasons: They have higher levels of good cholesterol and vitamin D as well as better levels of other factors involved in heart disease.

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